Paperless Billing

Paperless billing is 金沙娱乐 smarter, faster way to manage your bill.

Residential customers only! Business customers please call your account representative.

When you make 金沙娱乐 switch, you'll benefit from convenient features, including:

  • Email or text notices and reminders
  • Faster receipt of your bill each month
  • Online bill and payment hi金沙娱乐
  • Reduce waste and possibility of mail fraud

Go paperless with one click. 

YES! Enroll my account in paperless billing. Please enter 金沙娱乐 information associated with your 金沙娱乐 account.

Note: Changes made to your name, email or phone number on this form will not update your account; if you need to update 金沙娱乐 contact details associated with your 金沙娱乐 account, please log in.

It can take up to one billing cycle for your request to be processed.

By clicking 金沙娱乐 “Submit” button, I agree to 金沙娱乐 Paperless Billing Terms and Conditions. I understand that I will not receive a paper bill for any account enrolled in Paperless Billing, and that any additional persons registered to my account will also receive paperless bills. I acknowledge that my full electronic bill will be available only in my 金沙娱乐 online account. Any billing information I receive via email will be abridged.

To view your full electric bill, you will need to create an account on our website or our mobile app, if you have not done so already.

You can unenroll in paperless billing at any time in 金沙娱乐 Preferences section in your account, or by contacting us.

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